
【訃報】元日本代表監督 イビチャ・オシム、死去

トルシエ オシム指揮 南アフリカ 訃報 イビチャ・オシムに関連した画像-01
12022/05/01(日) 22:49:06.74ID:CAP_USER9

Legend of BiH Football Ivica Osim passed away
May 1, 2022 3:00 PM by Y.Z

Legend of BH football, Ivica Osim passed away at the age of 81, it was confirmed for Klix.ba. Osima died this morning at 10:00 a.m. in Graz, where he had lived for the past few years.以下ソース参照

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Source: アルファルファモザイク